Frequently Asked Questions


  • Divorce when there is domestic violence involved OR the parties agree to all issues
  • Custody when there is domestic violence
  • Custody when all parties are in agreement


  • Garnishment
  • Collection lawsuit
  • Debt harassment
  • Bankruptcy
  • Repossession
  • Dispute over auto repairs
  • Purchases of defective ‘as is’ products


  • Evictions
  • Foreclosures
  • Deeds
  • Security deposits
  • Repair problems


  • Terminations
  • Reductions
  • Eligibility problems of various benefits


  • Access to education


  • Wills
  • Probating an estate
  • Guardianship
  • Power of Attorney
  • Living Will


  • All parties are in agreement


  • When all parties are in agreement

We cannot consider any criminal cases.

We cannot apply for or enforce child support orders.
You can contact your local DHR office to apply for child support or for help with enforcement.

We cannot handle job discrimination cases.
Contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for help with this matter. 

We cannot sue people or businesses for money.

Legal services programs have been in Alabama since the 1970s and have served financially-eligible, low-income Alabamians. In 2004, three legal service programs combined to form Legal Services Alabama to carry on the important job of helping eligible residents in need of legal assistance.

LSA is the only nonprofit law firm providing free legal aid statewide. Other organizations provide legal help to people in one or more regions in the State. LSA complements the efforts of family shelters, law enforcement, social services, mental health, and other agencies by enabling clients to act on the advice, education, or information received from those agencies in an informed way. Together, we work to improve the lives of residents who may otherwise not have the financial resources or legal understanding to improve their lives, such as securing a safe place to live and thrive.

LSA resolves the majority of its cases outside of the courts.

LSA reduces the number of pro se (self-represented) litigants. Having access to Legal Services means clients are not appearing in court on their own behalf (“pro se”), but have an experienced attorney to represent them, which increases court efficiency.

Legal Services Alabama has limited staff resources and we try to take as many civil cases as we can. Unfortunately, not all cases can be accepted. The intake staff have information on other organizations that can assist clients. There are five volunteer lawyer programs in the state that cover specific counties so some cases are referred to them. There are clinics held where residents have the chance to speak with an attorney for advise. Domestic shelters and other charitable groups can help with immediate needs. If LSA is not able to assist an applicant, staff will give information on other resources that may be available.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services establishes the income amounts used to determine eligibility. These guidelines usually change at the beginning of each year.

Types of Cases
Represented in 2024


cases resolved, serving thousands of people.

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